
Kunshan midstar dyestuff Chem. Co., Ltd.
    Halogen-free toner
No. Product name Chroma and Features Grade of heat resistance Color code
1 Pigment yellow 4GO green phase, good resistance to sunlight 5
2 Pigment yellow 3RT Brilliant red phase yellow , good resistance to heat and sunlight 5
3 Pigment yellow HFG medium yellow 5
4 Pigment yellow 2GLM Brilliant yellow (inorganic) 5
5 Pigment orange MOR Brilliant orange to red phase orange 3
6 Pigment red 3RT yellow phase red, Transparent 4-5
7 Pigment red 5RT Blue phase red 4-5
8 Pigment red L4B dark Blue phase red 3
9 Pigment red ATY Brilliant red, high-end Pigment, Transparent 5
10 Pigment red PSK dark red, good Heat resistance, Transparent 5
11 Pigment red AHE Blue phase red 4-5
12 Pigment violet AGV Blue phase red violet 5
13 Pigment red AGP pink 5
14 Pigment Blue 3RN red light Blue, good Weather resistance 5
15 Pigment Blue GBF green light Blue 5
16 Pigment Blue NKG red light Blue 5
17 Pigment violet SMC (P.V.3:4) 4-5
18 Carbon black 800 medium pigment Carbon black 5
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